
Isnin, 1 Oktober 2012

The Story of The Ducks And a Torties

On last week of September 30, I was delivering a speech in school assemblies to meet MBMMBI program. Story about a duck with a tortoise that I have read from the book belongs my late father's.  I was just learning to read at that time about seven to eight years. My father was studying at Kelas Dewasa or  Adult Class that time, for those who are still illiterate. The book relatively large size , written in capital letters and  a lot of pictures  every pages, therefor my interest in reading increased.
The lessons of this story is very interesting.
Firstly,  we have to work together in the face of problems  in difficult situations or shine. Two ducks who always play and dive in a pool together and befriended the tortoise facing crisis because the dry season comes. Ponds turn dry up and all the ducks there have moved to other places. But they are still there because they unwilling to leave closed friend who is standing for so long.
Second, we must exercise patience and practised an open mind, criticism or accusations of others. For instance, tortoise has opened his mouth while flying as angry crowds greet him causing him  falling down and die.
So, do we all have these qualities in our lives?

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